Saturday, August 28, 2010

What I'm up to...

Back from Wizard World Chicago, had a great time. Met lotsa great fans, and got to meet my studio mates in person. Oh? Didnt know I was in a studio? Well I am, its aclled Alpha Dog Studios and its got a lot of talented guys in it. I have a link to it here on my blog under "other places i'm at". That is for our DA page, and we are also on Facebook as a group under the same name.

I have been lax in pointing this out, as well as keeping up on this blog.

So here's whats been happening, what is happening, and what is gonna happen.
Working on Marlow with Dario Carrasco.Fun stuff, very much a pulp adventure feel to it.
Doing cover art for a band called ENEMY STAR. They are local and it was put together by a buddy of mine. They have a Facebook page (who doesnt these days!) so go check it out. They are doing a cd release party on October 9th in Milwaukee. I'll be there, details on time and place wil be made available as soon as I know them.
Doing more illustrations for Nick Cuti's third MOONIE novel. Moonie is an adults only novel. Nick created her many years back, and is now doing novels with illustrations scattered throughout. I'm inking the illos. It's a lot of fun to do when I have time to get to them!
Lastly, my zombie book is now out and available on They are behind in their ordering so its been listed as out of stock often. Be patient, the books are coming.
As far as shows go, I will be at the previously mentioned ENEMY STAR cd release party on October 9th. I will be at Fallcon's one day show in Minneapolis on October 16th, and if all goes according to plan, I will be at the first ZomBCon in Seattle on Halloween weekend (Oct 29-31).

WHew, i dont think I'm busy enough.